2025 Banquet

The KGHA Board is looking forward to joining friends for a night of fellowship at our annual Banquet for 2025 ! (NEW) Date of event: March 8, 2025. Doors open at 6:00pm.

The banquet will be held this year at the Country Music Highway Museum along Rt.23, at 120 Stave Branch, in Paintsville, Kentucky 41256. The phone number there is 606-297-1469. Visit their website at: https://paintsvilletourism.com/us-23-country-music-highway-museum-2/ and discover the stories of legendary artists who called this region home, and immerse yourself in the vibrant history of country music along the iconic US 23.

Doors open at 6:00pm for membership renewal, silent auction, raffle tickets and clothing corner.
6:45pm – Welcome, Pledge and Prayer, and opening of the dinner line.
7:15pm – Habitat Update
Door prizes throughout the evening
Invitation to participate in the Youth Hunt
7:25pm – Reminder of closing time for raffles and silent auction.
7:45pm Silent auction closes. Start of Live Auction and gun raffle.
Pay and Pick Up will start after the final door prizes.
(times subject to change)

At this time, here are the items to be raffled off. Tickets for these items are $1.00 each (purchase as many tickets as you like). (click image to enlarge) ** Some Restrictions Apply **

Savage 555 20ga O/U (click the picture to see more details)(SKU Number 22166)

Savage 555 COMPACT 410ga (click the picture to see more details)(SKU Number 22156)

The below items will be won using a playing cards for selection. For those who may not be familiar with this process, a standard deck of playing cards is used, and participants may purchase one or more cards. The cost to purchase a card is $10.00 each card (subject to change). The cards are torn in half, participant gets half a card and the other half is placed in a roller bin. An authorized representative of the Association then draws a card after the group of cards were shuffled in the bin, and a winner is picked. You must present the matching half of the card to collect your prize. This method offers better odds at winning because there are only 52-cards in a deck of playing cards. (one deck is used for EACH gun) NOTE: You WILL need to be present at the banquet to purchase these cards, and you WILL need to be present to win.

Here are some pictures from last years banquet. (click the link)