Which candidate does the KYGHA support ?

The Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. As such, as the above graphic indicates, the Association is barred from supporting any individual candidate in this (or any) election cycle. What they can do is encourage everyone to vote. Do your own research (thoroughly, i.e. listen to BOTH sides) and make an informed decision… then actually get out and vote.

There are many folks that think my vote doesn’t count or won’t make a difference. Well, here are some facts to keep in mind:
1) In the 2020 election cycle, only about 60% of eligible folks voted.
2) In the 2020 presidential election, Biden won the popular vote by 4.45%.
3) In 2022 there were 161-Million registered voters, out of a adult population of approx 258-Million.
4)The reported popular vote totals for the 2020 election was 155-million votes.
5) Eligible voters (registered and non-registered) 258-million. Actually voted in the 2020 election 155-Million. That’s approx 103-Million eligible voters that didn’t register and/or vote.
6) ===> The 2020 election was won with a margin of 7-million votes ! <===

YES… you CAN make a difference ! The above math indicates that if 96-Million folks actually registered to vote… AND actually voted, that certainly could make a difference. Don’t throw your vote away by not registering, AND actually voting.

KYGHA recommends voting early if possible. There are rumors that there could be election day difficulties that could cause long lines, and other events that could possibly prevent you from casting your vote in a timely manor. You can also request an absentee ballot if for any reason you think you will not be able to travel to a polling place and vote. Voting with an absentee ballot would prevent election day difficulties. However… if this is the route you choose to go, you need to request an absentee ballot ASAP. Allow plenty of time for the request to be processed, delivered, and returned. The deadline to apply online for an Absentee ballot is
October 22nd, 2024 no later than 11:59 p.m. EST

To check if you are currently registered to vote, or, request an absentee ballot, go here: https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/ovrweb/govoteky and a host of other options are also available from this link.

Please feel free to post your comments or thoughts below to let others know how you feel.

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