Web site update

Functionality, and enhanced features of the site have been improved. Folks can now join the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association in two ways… Membership alone, or, Membership + Banquet. Folks can do this right from the web site, including paying with their PayPal account, or, any of the commonly used credit cards. To see the new feature point your browser to: https://kygrousehunters.com/pay-now/ (also from the site’s main menu) and check it out.

Also, there functionality to support Sponsors was added also. For anyone wishing to become a sponsor you can now do that online as well. Simply point your browser to: https://kygrousehunters.com/become-a-kygha-sponsor/ (or from the main menu) and check it out. Sponsors have the ability to chose between four different packages, and can pay right from the site now. 

We have also added functionality to gather names of anyone wishing to receive our newsletter. Keep up to date on any new developments regarding club events, activities, and developments.
Folks can sign up at: https://kygrousehunters.com/newsletter (also from the main home page).

If YOU have any thoughts, suggestions or comments, please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post. Thank you for being interested on the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association. 

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