Want a GOOD reason to join GOA ???

Folks… GOA (Gun Owners of America) does GREAT work for gun owners. Doesn’t matter if you own only one gun or many guns (specially if you own many), the GOA is fighting for you. In fact, if you have read the previous post(s) on this site about the new ATF ruling on the need to acquire a FFL (Federal Firearms License) if you sell as little as ONE gun… YOU may be in violation of selling firearms without an FFL. This post is about the GOA and how it’s fighting for not only it’s members, but every gun owner. However in this latest push by the ATF… you (if you are a GOA member) are a member of the “protected” class of individuals and states that enjoy injunctive relief granted by the court. The injunctive relief DOES NOT apply to every gun owner (or prospective gun owner)… in ONLY applies to the plaintiffs bringing the action against the ATF. i.e. GOA members, and a few states. See a great video here about the specific wording in the injunction. https://youtu.be/7My3W0n3UyU?si=7FaDZJHo95n2E7JN

Want to know just how serious the ATF is about pushing/forcing this change in the statute… check out this video where the ATF director doges and weaves in answering Rep. Jim Jordan’s questions. Video HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0iEGUDxr2w The ATF is DEADLY serious about this !

If you are already a member of GOA, great, if not, please consider becoming one. Memberships start at only $25.00 annually. Visit their main site here for more info.

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