Which candidate does the KYGHA support ?

The Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. As such, as the above graphic indicates, the Association is barred from supporting any individual candidate in this (or any) election cycle. What they can do is encourage everyone to vote. Do your own research (thoroughly, i.e. listen to BOTH sides) and make an informed decision… then actually get out and vote.

There are many folks that think my vote doesn’t count or won’t make a difference. Well, here are some facts to keep in mind:
1) In the 2020 election cycle, only about 60% of eligible folks voted.
2) In the 2020 presidential election, Biden won the popular vote by 4.45%.
3) In 2022 there were 161-Million registered voters, out of a adult population of approx 258-Million.
4)The reported popular vote totals for the 2020 election was 155-million votes.
5) Eligible voters (registered and non-registered) 258-million. Actually voted in the 2020 election 155-Million. That’s approx 103-Million eligible voters that didn’t register and/or vote.
6) ===> The 2020 election was won with a margin of 7-million votes ! <===

YES… you CAN make a difference ! The above math indicates that if 96-Million folks actually registered to vote… AND actually voted, that certainly could make a difference. Don’t throw your vote away by not registering, AND actually voting.

KYGHA recommends voting early if possible. There are rumors that there could be election day difficulties that could cause long lines, and other events that could possibly prevent you from casting your vote in a timely manor. You can also request an absentee ballot if for any reason you think you will not be able to travel to a polling place and vote. Voting with an absentee ballot would prevent election day difficulties. However… if this is the route you choose to go, you need to request an absentee ballot ASAP. Allow plenty of time for the request to be processed, delivered, and returned. The deadline to apply online for an Absentee ballot is
October 22nd, 2024 no later than 11:59 p.m. EST

To check if you are currently registered to vote, or, request an absentee ballot, go here: https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/ovrweb/govoteky and a host of other options are also available from this link.

Please feel free to post your comments or thoughts below to let others know how you feel.

Is YOUR gun on the ATF Registry ?

What’s that you say… the government keeping a registry of guns is illegal ? Well, yes it is, however the government does it anyway. Watch the below video put out by the GOA (Gun Owners of America). Apparently our government simply thumbs it’s nose to the Constitution and our laws. Click here for the Registry Law cited in the video below: https://uscode.house.gov/statutes/pl/99/308.pdf


Put your thoughts below about this registry. AND… consider becoming a member of the GOA. The GOA is all over this issue… how about the NRA ? Where are they on this issue… have THEY filed suite over this illegal registry ? Go to the NRA website and navigate to the section “Politics & Legislation“. You will see nothing listed as of this writing.

If you are interested in attending the GOA convention August 17th and 18th, click the video below to learn more.


Want a GOOD reason to join GOA ???

Folks… GOA (Gun Owners of America) does GREAT work for gun owners. Doesn’t matter if you own only one gun or many guns (specially if you own many), the GOA is fighting for you. In fact, if you have read the previous post(s) on this site about the new ATF ruling on the need to acquire a FFL (Federal Firearms License) if you sell as little as ONE gun… YOU may be in violation of selling firearms without an FFL. This post is about the GOA and how it’s fighting for not only it’s members, but every gun owner. However in this latest push by the ATF… you (if you are a GOA member) are a member of the “protected” class of individuals and states that enjoy injunctive relief granted by the court. The injunctive relief DOES NOT apply to every gun owner (or prospective gun owner)… in ONLY applies to the plaintiffs bringing the action against the ATF. i.e. GOA members, and a few states. See a great video here about the specific wording in the injunction. https://youtu.be/7My3W0n3UyU?si=7FaDZJHo95n2E7JN

Want to know just how serious the ATF is about pushing/forcing this change in the statute… check out this video where the ATF director doges and weaves in answering Rep. Jim Jordan’s questions. Video HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0iEGUDxr2w The ATF is DEADLY serious about this !

If you are already a member of GOA, great, if not, please consider becoming one. Memberships start at only $25.00 annually. Visit their main site here for more info.

Can you sell your gun ???

On April 10, 2024, the Attorney General signed ATF’s final rule, Definition of “Engaged in the Business” as a Dealer in Firearms, amending ATF’s regulations in title 27, Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”), part 478. The final rule implements the provisions of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (“BSCA,” effective June 25, 2022), which broadened the definition of when a person is considered “engaged in the business” as a dealer in firearms (other than a gunsmith or pawnbroker). The Final Rule clarifies that definition. It will be published in the Federal Register and will be effective 30-days from publication.

This final rule incorporates BSCA’s definitions of “predominantly earn a profit” and “terrorism,” and amends the regulatory definitions of “engaged in the business as a dealer other than a gunsmith or pawnbroker” and “principal objective of livelihood and profit” to ensure each conforms with the BSCA’s statutory changes and can be relied upon by the public. 

The final rule clarifies when a person is “engaged in the business” as a dealer in firearms at wholesale or retail by:

  1. clarifying the definition of “dealer,” and defining the terms “purchase,” “sale,” and “something of value” as they apply to dealers;
  2. adding definitions for the term “personal collection (or personal collection of firearms, or personal firearms collection),” and for “responsible person”;
  3. setting forth conduct that is presumed to constitute “engaging in the business” of dealing in firearms, and presumed to demonstrate the intent to “predominantly earn a profit” from the sale or disposition of firearms, absent reliable evidence to the contrary, in civil and administrative proceedings;
  4. clarifying that the intent to “predominantly earn a profit” does not require the person to have received pecuniary gain, and that intent does not have to be shown when a person purchases or sells a firearm for criminal or terrorism purposes;
  5. clarifying the circumstances when a person would not be presumed to engaged in the business of dealing in firearms, including as an auctioneer, or when purchasing firearms for, and selling firearms from, a personal collection;
  6. addressing the procedures former licensees, and responsible persons acting on behalf of such licensees, must follow when they liquidate business inventory upon revocation or other termination of their license; and
  7. clarifying that licensees must follow the verification and recordkeeping procedures in 27 CFR 478.94 and Subpart H, rather than using an ATF Form 4473 when firearms are transferred to other licensees, including transfers by a licensed sole proprietor to that person’s personal collection.

There is a very good video on the subject here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSxU345wu9A

There is another good video that addresses viewers questions about the new law here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ibswxgL4k

And for those that want to read the entire law (all 400-pages), you can do that here: https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/docs/ruling/atf-final-rule-definition-engaged-business-dealer-firearms/download

Folks… as usual, it appears the federal government (ATF) wants to muddy the waters with respect to “clarifying” the law/rule. As with many government regulations it would appear that the intent of the change could be nothing further from clarification. The more open to interpretation the law is, the more they can play with peoples lives with respect to indicting them and putting them through the rigors of arrest and trial, and possibly incarceration.

Gun Owners of America (GOA) has a page on their website that explains the new rule/law (as best as they can), and it also has a form for readers to submit to the ATF their comments on the rule change. Consider sending in your comments. Click the graphic below to take you to the GOA site and page.

See the court order here: https://www.gunowners.org/wp-content/uploads/Partial-TRO-Granted-GOA-GOF-TX-LA-UT-MS-v.-ATF.pdf

Here is the bad news… The TRO does not apply to all states, AND the TRO is only active through June 2, 2024. Here is a good video that explains the TRO in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmdBoaPPnE0

Could lead ammo be banned ???

Have you heard about this ? It’s true, the democrats are pushing to have lead ammo banned. Here is a short video (4-minutes) put out by the GOA (Gun Owners of America). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24-t2Qb3rQA
They do an excellent job at laying out this effort to ban lead ammo. As a side note… if you don’t already support the GOA, please consider becoming a member. They are known as “The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington“, and they do far more than any of the other very well known groups. Here is their home page: https://www.gunowners.org/ Check them out. There is a ton of information on their site.

As you know, there are many groups (government and non-government) that would like to ban guns altogether. What better way to do and end-run around a total gun ban than to simply ban the ammo used in guns. A gun is not much good with no ammo.

The specific legislation is HR-615 (in the House of Representatives): https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr615 and the Senate bill (S1185) is here: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s1185

Check out the video, and the actual bills themselves, and then let your local representative know your feelings on the matter. Here is how to find, and how to contact your representative: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member and just a reminder… a phone call to their office is FAR better than writing a letter, and WAY FAR better than doing nothing. One legislator stated during an interview that when they are wondering how to vote on an issue, they walk out to their staff and ask if they have received any calls on the issue. Calls DO matter !
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing” (Edmund Burke)

Let the world know your thoughts by leaving a comment (leave a reply) below.

Open Fields Doctrine

Are you aware of what the “Open Fields Doctrine” is ??? If yes, read on, if not, read on intently.

Basically, the Open Fields Doctrine is a concept that states… a Wildlife Agent may come on your private property, for any reason they determine, and at any time they determine. The Supreme Court has ruled on this already and ruled that a Wildlife Agent has the right to come on to your property at any time, for any reason… and does NOT need a warrant. HOWEVER… depending on an individual state basis, there may be some exceptions to this Supreme Court decision. Read on for the details.

Here is a video which does a good job describing the issue. The litigation talked about in the video is from our neighboring state of Tennessee. The video is only 12-minutes in length and is well worth watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z1DQtQ-ALY

Field & Stream put out a 3-part series on the issue and here are those articles:
Part #1: https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/tennessee-hunters-sue-game-wardens-trail-cameras/
Part #2: https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/game-wardens-arrest-poacher-with-hidden-trail-camera/
Part #3: https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/open-field-doctrine-game-warden-controversy/

Kentucky Law on the subject: https://seafwa.org/sites/default/files/journal-articles/Carrier_-519-523.pdf
KRS 150-090: https://law.justia.com/codes/kentucky/2019/chapter-150/section-150-090/

SO… how do YOU feel on the subject ? If you are an owner of more than a lot-sized piece of property, are you OK with a Wildlife Agent coming on to your land and basically doing a warrant-less search, and/or placing trail cameras on your property ? And the reason I used the term “lot-sized” property is explained in the short video linked above. In short, the smaller the lot size, the better chance the entire property could be deemed “curtilage” However, if you own a large piece of property, you could be subject to this intrusion onto your land, without your permission.

I think we can all understand that the Wildlife Agents are trying to protect the wildlife. The underlying premise of the practice is to catch/stop poaching. However… what else can the practice uncover ? Zoning issues maybe, growing something you shouldn’t be (or is someone else trespassing on your property to grow something they shouldn’t be), or maybe your housing is not up to “code”… the list can go on and on (just use your imagination). Remember, although those areas of infractions are not in the Wildlife Agent’s purview, all it take is a disgruntled agent to simply make a phone call and the folks that can do something about it are showing up on your doorstep.

If you have some thoughts on this subject, please feel free to leave a comment (“Leave a Reply”) below and let the world know your thoughts on the subject.

Property Owners Cement Victory Against Warrant-less Searches and Hidden Cameras as State Declines to Appeal
Tennessee becomes the newest state to reject the “open fields” doctrine and provide constitutional protection to land.
See details HERE:
Explanatory video HERE:

Strategic Plan

NEW… Check out the Kentucky Ruffed Grouse & Young Forrest Strategic Plan 2017 – 2027. With the leadership from our Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission, and in partnership with Kentucky’s Sportsmen, is embarking on a bold Ruffed Grouse and Young Forrest Imitative. This will be an ambitious effort, aimed at turning the tide for the Ruffed Grouse. On page #20 you will see that the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association has contributed to the effort to a large degree. This is your membership fees working toward a better habitat for all game birds, including the Grouse. See the plan HERE.


Just wanted to let everyone know, our YouTube channel has some videos now. Please feel free to check them out HERE. Also, if anyone has any club related videos that they think would be beneficial to viewers, please feel free to get them to me. Or, if you have any ideas for new content, please feel free to drop me an email at: admin@kygha.com.

KYGHA Classifieds

Just wanted to remind everyone that we have a pretty nice Classifieds function on the web site. It’s free to Registered Users but it doesn’t appear to utilized by members much. Check it out and feel free to post an item for sale. Reminder though, don’t let the ad get stale. Be sure to remove/delete the ad if sold, or has had no activity in an expected period of time.

Web site update

Functionality, and enhanced features of the site have been improved. Folks can now join the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association in two ways… Membership alone, or, Membership + Banquet. Folks can do this right from the web site, including paying with their PayPal account, or, any of the commonly used credit cards. To see the new feature point your browser to: https://kygrousehunters.com/pay-now/ (also from the site’s main menu) and check it out.

Also, there functionality to support Sponsors was added also. For anyone wishing to become a sponsor you can now do that online as well. Simply point your browser to: https://kygrousehunters.com/become-a-kygha-sponsor/ (or from the main menu) and check it out. Sponsors have the ability to chose between four different packages, and can pay right from the site now. 

We have also added functionality to gather names of anyone wishing to receive our newsletter. Keep up to date on any new developments regarding club events, activities, and developments.
Folks can sign up at: https://kygrousehunters.com/newsletter (also from the main home page).

If YOU have any thoughts, suggestions or comments, please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post. Thank you for being interested on the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association.