We offer 4 packages for individuals or businesses (rates as of 2024). Sponsorship certainly helps out the club, but also gets you exposure to its members via the website year round, and networking face to face at the yearly banquet. Members are more likely to support sponsors over a non-sponsor, specially if they have met you at the banquet. Additionally, the club is always looking for businesses that want to donate one (or more) of their products or services to be raffled off at the banquet. This also gets you exposure to a targeted audience. And keep in mind that the KYGHA is a 501(c)(3) corporation, so your support is tax deductible.
SILVER Package > Membership and meals for up to 4 adults >Reserved seating for up to 4 at the banquet >4 additional door prize tickets >50 tickets each raffle ($50.00 value) >Gift certificates for 2 T-Shirts or 2 hats (you can mix and match) >>Full package price $1000.00<< | Gold Package — logo added to banner and webpage >Membership and meals for up to 8-adults >Reserved seating for up to 8 at the banquet >8 additional door prizes >75 tickets each raffle (value $75.00) >Gift certificate for 4 T-Shirts or 4-hats (you can mix and match) >>Full package price $1500.00<< |
Bronze package >Membership and meals for 2 adults >Reserved seating for 2 at the banquet >2 additional door prize tickets >25 tickets each raffle tickets ($25.00 value) >Gift Certificate 2 for 2 T-Shirts or hat >>Full package price $500.00<< | Copper package >Membership and meals for 1 adult >2 additional door prize tickets >10 tickets each raffle tickets (value $10.00) Gift certificate either T-Shirt or hat >>Full package price $200.00<< |
Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association Mission
>Protect and Improve grouse hunting in Kentucky through education and awareness
>Improve habitat for small game, particularly grouse, on public and private land in Kentucky
>Introduce youth to grouse hunting in Kentucky and preserve the right to hunt, trap and bear arms.
We thank you for partnering with the KGHA to celebrate the past, improve our habitat today and to introduce youth to upland bird hunting in Kentucky.
** Please complete the Sponsorship Form, then navigate to the SHOP>Shop products page to submit your payment. **