Latest News


This post thread will be where the latest news about the club and it’s actions, activities and future plans will be located. Check back often for the latest updates. Also, action items from the clubs leadership Board Meetings will be posted here.

Additionally, if YOU have done anything related to the club that’s newsworthy, that you think the club members may find interesting and useful, please post it here.  Such things as perhaps you created some wildlife habitat on you property, or found a great hunting spot, or have done something for the benefit of the club just to name a few. Basically anything you think other members might find interesting, useful, or educational.

To post something, simply “Comment” below. It would be helpful to start out with a heading related to the content to follow.

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3 Replies to “Latest News”

  1. Larry GeeLarry Gee Post author

    Did you know… that Kentucky Grouse Hunters has a YouTube page? Yes, we do, and it’s located here:
    We recently added videos from the Habitat area at Paintsville Lake that Kentucky Grouse Hunters sponsored. There will also be video from the Banquet on 2/24/2024 shortly after the Banquet. Check out the YouTube page, give it a like, and subscribe to be notified when we post new videos. And, if you have any ideas or suggestions on additional content for the channel, please feel free to contact us at:

  2. Larry GeeLarry Gee Post author

    Web site update

    Functionality, and enhanced features of the site have been improved. Folks can now join the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association in two ways… Membership alone, or, Membership + Banquet. Folks can do this right from the web site, including paying with their PayPal account, or, any of the commonly used credit cards. To see the new feature point your browser to: (also from the site’s main menu) and check it out.

    Also, there functionality to support Sponsors was added also. For anyone wishing to become a sponsor you can now do that online as well. Simply point your browser to: (or from the main menu) and check it out. Sponsors have the ability to chose between four different packages, and can pay right from the site now. 

    We have also added functionality to gather names of anyone wishing to receive our newsletter. Keep up to date on any new developments regarding club events, activities, and developments.
    Folks can sign up at: (also from the main home page).

    If YOU have any thoughts, suggestions or comments, please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post. Thank you for being interested on the Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association. 

  3. Larry GeeLarry Gee Post author

    Board Meeting 1/9/2024

    Attendees: Ronnie Wells, Roger Varney, Hanna Varney, Kristin Beers, Roland Beers, Larry Robinson, Larry Cornett, and Larry G

    Items discussed:

    Mainly the discussion surrounded the upcoming banquet on 2/24/2024
    > Banquet tickets (raffle tickets) processing and distribution
    > discussion surrounding number of tickets for “sponsors” based on contribution level
    > New proposal on Wild Hog hunting/killing in Kentucky.
    > details are still sparse on this but apparently there is a proposal going to the legislators PREVENTING the killing of wild hogs. More information HERE.This proposal has already been approved by the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission (KFW) and will soon be submitted to the legislators. Apparently KFW wants anyone spotting a wild hog to notify KFW so they can come and trap it, and remove it. Discussion also surrounded around Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association OPPOSING this measure. Club will solicit members to write and/or call their respective representative and voice their opposition on an individual level. Legislator list HERE.
    > New form for silent auction at the Banquet
    > Adjust the room configuration, and make beverages more accessible.
    > Email Kristin with description of donated items
    > ** Need volunteers to assist at registration table** (Contact Kristin at
    > Move the ticket table to the lobby (better access for the attendees)
    > Looking for a “Habitat” speaker (Ronnie will speak if others are unavailable)
    > Consider dividing up club Secretary duties
    > ** Volunteers needed to solicit sponsors, and to post banquet flyers. **
    >>>>> If you need a flyer – Print it HERE.
    > Possibility of setting up a donation drive entitled “Bucks for Birds”. If members could simply donate a buck or two it would really help out the club.


    > Larry gave oversight of the newly amended website and presented some thoughts on better utilization of the site.
    > Concept of the functionality of the site to be, keep members more up to date with the activities of the club, and to foster more member involvement with the club via the site.
    > Integrate other Social Media avenues to the site in order to reach more members. A Kentucky Grouse Hunters YouTube channel has been set up (HERE). There are no videos currently, but the channel is ready for video uploads. (if any member has any video of club-related activities, such as hunting, habitat restoration, instructional videos, dog training, etc) and would allow such to be posted, please feel free to get the video to Larry) The club will work towards creating content as time and resources permit.
    > Email addresses for Board Members. Each board member will have their individual email address in order for the membership to contact them directly about club activities, suggestions, or questions (see the home page for those addresses)

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